Welcome to our Links section. Here youŽll be able to connect with other web sites we and our members have located in their Internet travels. WeŽll try and keep the links relevant and current. If you discover some that are broken or youŽve found sites related to home & business interior and exterior design topics that you feel are worthwhile, please drop us a line... "registrar@theinteriordesigner.com".
Be sure to stop by this section every time you visit. WeŽll be adding to it often.
ISdesigNET on-line magazine
This on-line version of Interiors & Sources (IS) magazine brings to you the best o f the commercial and residential design and architecture fields. Along with insightful profiles of industry players who are helping to shape the direction of the design field, you'll also find in-depth trend analyses, opinion pieces, case histories, product specification guidelines and reviews.
Additionally, the "Latest News and Latest Products" sections are updated regularly with selected features from each issue of Interiors & Sources being added to the site.
Country Living on-line magazine
`Country LivingŽs web site borrows from the popular print mag azine owned by Hearst Publishing and is also a member of the "home art" network of e-zines. If you love fresh air and tall grass. Pies that donŽt look quite perfect. Tomatoes - just picked. People who have time to smile... then youŽll find this web site a delightful visit that just might motivate you to subscribe to the print version. The Country Living site is a delightful visit to historic and contemporary homes epitomizing the relaxed style of living found outside the "urbs" and "suburbs." YouŽll find a plethora of interesting departments such as "Gallery of Homes", "Gallery of Kitchens", "Cyber-Tours" of interesting homes, "Craft Workshops"... and a variety of other inspiring and motivating "how to"s and "how they did it"s to make you want a home in the country.
House Beautiful on-line magazine
If you love and are inspired by beautiful homes. If you love to decorate... a nd redecorate... and continually refine your own style, then youŽll find a visit to the House Beautiful web site a worthwhile stroll. With `world classŽ home photography to illustrate the concepts and ideas presented, youŽll discover a wealth of techniques and expressions for your home. Practical renovating and remodeling hints... gorgeous bathroom tips... glowing kitchens and romantic bedrooms... magical gardens and outdoor areas... antique and collectible finds... gracious entertaining ideas to guide you and motivate you. YouŽll find it all in this popular magazine. After youŽve filled your head with new and exciting ideas for your home... return to "theinteriordesigner.com" to track down the perfect furnishings and decor from our hundreds of suppliers in the "Expo" area.
This Old House on-line magazine
As of Fall, 1998, this web site was being renovated... but still feat ured a current project and links to past projects. Scheduled for completion in January of 1999... this web site should be a `must seeŽ for anyone involved in remodeling older (or just plain "old") homes. This web site, no doubt, will borrow heavily from the popular TV series and print magazine.
Better Homes and Gardens on-line magazine
What can we say about Better Homes and Gardens that hasnŽt already been said. This timeless magazine has provided our wives, our mothers and our grandmothers with expert advice and opinion on everything from love to home remedies to home furnishings and decor as far back as most of us can remember. And it keeps getting better. Now you donŽt have to stand in a grocery line to get the latest from this classic magazine. Visit their web site and youŽll be greeted by a professional presentation of something home and family related to grab almost anyoneŽs interest. In our case, go right to the "building/decorating", "gardening" and "crafts" blue navigation buttons (as of this writing, anyway) on the left side of the screen. From there, youŽll be transported to entire web sites covering these areas... with links to still more. DonŽt forget where you came from though. Once youŽve gathered up the best of decorating hints and tips, hurry back to "theinteriordesigner.com" for a huge selection of suppliers to provide you with the materials you need for your next project.
Good Housekeeping on-line magazine
Like Better Homes and Gardens, above, Good Housekeeping ranks as an American classic when it comes to a trusted source for home and family. Inside the e-zine version of this widely distributed print magazine, youŽll discover a myriad of ways to save on home decorating and entertaining. Besides the decorating tips and hints that brought you here... youŽll find such items as the secrets to losing weight permanently, quick healthy snacks kids love, handy hints from Heloise, counseling tips from Dr. Joyce Brothers, fun entertaining ideas from Peggy Post, loads of elegant dining suggestions... and more.